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Courir x Trace For Good

Marie Petitalot
Marie Petitalot
Market intelligence analyst
Courir success story
Published on
September 9, 2024

A retailer who switched from manual data collection from all their partner brands to fully automate traceability.

Traceability leads at Courir:

Laureen Carlier - CSR Director


Courir: A Retailer Committed to Product Transparency

Courir, a major player in sneaker retail in France and Europe, stands out for its commitment to transparency for its customers. The retailer has taken the initiative to provide consumers with detailed information about the environmental qualities and characteristics of all the products it offers.

This exemplary initiative reflects a desire to align with the new transparency standards in the industry and responds to a genuine demand from consumers.

A Time-Consuming Manual Collection Process

Before automating its information collection, Courir faced several challenges in managing product traceability. The manual collection of information for the AGEC law was particularly tedious. With more than fifty “supplier brands” to manage, obtaining the necessary data within the required time frame was complex and prone to potential errors.

Centralizing the data was also an issue. Courir collected data from each brand in separate Excel files before consolidating them into a single Excel file. This file was difficult to read, limiting the value of the time invested in manually collecting the information.

Automation to Save Time and Achieve Operational Excellence

To address these challenges, Courir adopted Trace For Good’s solution, opting for an automated and centralized data management approach. Each 'supplier brand' is now automatically invited to create its account on a dedicated platform, where it can enter information in bulk.

This multi-stakeholder collaboration method simplifies the process for all parties involved. The centralization of collected information in a single database has become a major asset for Courir, facilitating product reference management and providing real-time tracking of AGEC compliance. All certificates are centralized on a dedicated page, simplifying information access for the brand.

The consumer experience has also greatly improved: all product sheets are grouped in a centralized search engine. They are now customized to integrate with the brand’s universe. Consumers benefit from smooth and intuitive navigation, aligned with their new transparency and information access habits.

A Smooth Transition to Automated Management

The first step in Courir’s transition to this new management method was the ingestion of historical data into the Trace For Good platform. The AGEC information that had already been collected by the teams in Excel files was effortlessly integrated into the platform, allowing for the instant generation of product sheets, now available on Courir’s website.

For new products, traceability is now ensured through the 'AGEC Law' module. This module is designed to enable the rapid completion of the traceability information required by the AGEC law. It maximizes the engagement of Courir's 'supplier brands' to efficiently collect information for over 2,000 products. The engagement of these brands was facilitated by onboarding sessions conducted by the Trace For Good and Courir teams to explain the approach and the tool.

Additionally, collecting certificates helps Courir assess the CSR maturity level of the brands they distribute, ensuring an engagement based on concrete CSR data.

Tangible Benefits for Courir

The transition to automated management with Trace For Good has brought significant benefits for Courir:

  • Major time savings, drastically reducing the effort of teams dedicated to repetitive manual tasks.
  • Improved consumer experience by making clear information accessible through an intuitive search engine on personalized product sheets.
  • Better knowledge of its partner brands and their CSR maturity.

Towards Even More Advanced CSR Data Management?

Courir is already considering the next steps of this transformation. The upcoming integration with the Akeneo PIM aims at making product information management even more efficient.

Furthermore, by implementing advanced traceability, Courir will be able to highlight advanced environmental and social characteristics of its products in compliance with the Green Claims directive: with Trace For Good, Courir is assured of supporting its claims with verified information and avoiding greenwashing.


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Courir success story