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Production and Quality

NOTSHY & absolut cashmere x Trace For Good

Marie Petitalot
Marie Petitalot
Market intelligence analyst
How MCC group automated its multi-brand traceability and achieved 100% compliance with French AGEC law in 20 days through exemplary supplier engagement.
Published on
January 11, 2024

Read how the MCC group automated multi-brand traceability and achieved 100% compliance with French AGEC law in 20 days, through exemplary supplier engagement.

Traceability leads at MCC:

Aliénor Zamparutti -  Quality & CSR Manager

Elena Menegaldo - Operations & CSR Director

A key player in the cashmere ready-to-wear

MCC Group, owner of iconic brands NOTSHY and absolut cashmere, is a key player in the design and manufacturing of cashmere ready-to-wear.

It stands out for its meticulous selection of materials and certified suppliers (Good Cashmere Standard, RWS, GCS, Oeko-Tex), as well as its multi-brand production (NOTSHY and absolut cashmere).


MCC Group aimed to systematize its traceability to prepare for compliance with Article 13 of the AGEC law by January 1, 2024.

However, MCC's traceability project goes beyond regulatory compliance. The group intends to capitalize on the Trace For Good tool to standardize and automate actions that were previously manual.

Among MCC Group's needs for its two brands:

  • Automate the management of certificates (Good Cashmere Standard, RWS, GCS, Oeko-Tex) and social audits (Amfori BSCI) and ensure their authenticity.
  • Be transparent with consumers about the production chain by providing information on manufacturing locations and existing certifications.


MCC Group has automated its traceability and data collection process using Trace For Good.

MCC no longer needs to individually contact and follow up with suppliers to obtain traceability information. Suppliers benefit from an intuitive traceability portal, enabling the group to collect all necessary information to meet its CSR objectives.

A manual data management process is replaced by an agile platform, providing a comprehensive view of traceability information and certificates, with real-time access to data in the regulatory format.

The initial data transfer from MCC (references to trace and associated supplier contacts) to the Trace For Good platform is done via extraction from the group's ERP. Automated traceability requests are then launched. Data is completed by suppliers of all ranks (manufacturer, dyer, spinner, etc.) via their own traceability portal. It is updated in real-time on MCC's user interface and on custom product sheets tailored to each brand of the group.

Individual QR codes printed on product hangtags link to these personalized sheets. Find them already in stores!

Thanks to the integration of Trace For Good with Wshop, MCC's e-commerce provider, traceability sheets are directly integrated into the product pages of NOTSHY website.

Certificates are also collected from suppliers, verified, and centralized in the database, so Aliénor no longer has to manually manage document validity tracking and renewal requests. For more details on advanced certificate management, we invite you to check out the Mise au Green success story dedicated to the topic.

Key Results

The Trace For Good platform enabled MCC to achieve 100% compliance with the AGEC law for the first two traced collections.

The group gained efficiency by automating its traceability, previously done manually, and traces its 582 references with Trace For Good.

MCC Group's supplier engagement is exemplary, with rapid adoption of the platform by users, and notable progress between the two phases of the project. In the first traceability request dispatch, 50 days were needed for suppliers to complete all traceability requests, ensuring AGEC compliance for all traced references. The second wave of requests only took 20 days.

The Trace For Good team built a trusting partnership with MCC, crucial for the tool to evolve in line with our users' business needs. For instance, the co-construction of traceability product sheets with MCC has enriched Trace For Good's communication module. Find them on the NOTSHY website.

Initiated by MCC, a true user community has emerged around Trace For Good - more information to follow!

Upcoming: Next Steps

MCC observes that systematic document collection through Trace For Good's certificate management module has increased its suppliers' motivation for certification. They now wish to acquire new standards.

The group's project is to capitalize further on this software functionality by raising awareness among its suppliers about certification, thereby strengthening its eco-design practices.

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Client testimonial :

How MCC group automated its multi-brand traceability and achieved 100% compliance with French AGEC law in 20 days through exemplary supplier engagement.